Survey for Super-powers
Graph Maps
Some graphs that I made to help me visual.

I made them with the idea to help me think of creating an map with legendas, but decided that they could help me better with thinking of questions and help with the question for the people that would take the survey.

I made different graphs all surrounding the
super-power theme that I thought of.
I had some Trouble doing this assignment, since I am doing it alone and couldn’t really find myself in any of the given topics. I had to search something closer and personal to myself.

Originally, I thought of talking about health, since that is very open to talk about, but you can’t really make any conclusion to it since I am not a doctor so any conclusion would not be correct and could potential be dangerous even.

I thought about talking about E-numbers, since my mother knows a lot about them. But since it is too hard to conclude anything and can only halve finish anything in it, I scrapped that idea.

I decided to go with super powers, since a lot of people actually do think of wanting to having super powers, but it isn’t a topic that people generally talk about and most of time only fantasize about it. I think it is interesting to see what people would do and want to do with it.
Power Play
Click Links:
Maps for Super-powers
By: Ralph Bosman
Graph Link
Video Link
Welcome to my page. I am Ralph and I will be talking about my power play assignment with the theme super-hero.

Hope you like it and find it interesting.
Reflection and research